St Nicholas, Arundel
Arundel, West Sussex
These carved, polished and toughened glass doors were designed to have an ethereal quality. The abstract imagery is rising and descending. The design visually cares for St Nicholas's beautiful and ornate internal vista.

Situated at the West end entrance of the church, and elevated, the work could almost visually be a window. The aperture is 2m wide x 2.7m high.

Installed in 2009, this commission for a spiritual doorway received the Sussex Heritage Trust's Building Crafts Award in 2010 - Highly Commended as nominated by the Judges.
St Nicholas Arundel installed entrance doors by artist Mel Howse which were art in toughened glass
Ethereal art glass doors at St Nicholas.
Ethereal art glass doors at St Nicholas.
Ethereal art glass doors at St Nicholas.
Ethereal art glass doors at St Nicholas.
Ethereal art glass doors at St Nicholas.
Ethereal art glass doors at St Nicholas.